Thank you for your interest in a Kambo Treatment. I am a certified Kambo Practitioner and full member of the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (I.A.K.P.).
I work according to the IAKP’s Codes of Practice. Before the treatment, I provide you with a personal consultation. During your Kambo Journey I will hold space for you to be in your process.
Please conduct your own research to ensure you feel comfortable with being treated with Kambo. Our Website is a great resource: www.KamboDawn.com
The popularity and use of Kambo as a natural treatment is spreading worldwide. As the research into the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor grows, skilled practitioners are also developing new ways to work with this powerful substance from the Amazonian Forest that allows it to be accessible to almost everyone in a safe and manageable way.
Not only do we now have several different traditional ways to work with Kambo but we can also work with the Meridians, the Chakras and the ears – Auricular Kambo. Added to this, there are also new techniques to allow people to take Kambo in a way that is gentler on their system but still allows them to enjoy the maximum benefits. We will discuss your intentions for participating in the Kambo sitting with you prior to the beginning of the session to determine the treatment that would serve you best. Our mission is to ultimately serve you, so please understand that you have the final say in any treatment you receive.
Recommendations for your session:
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing. For traditional Kambo application (Kambo is placed on the upper arm or lower leg) please wear a t-shirt or tank top and comfortable pants that can easily be rolled up at the ankle.
- If you are receiving a chakra treatment (Kambo is placed along the spine) we recommend clothing that allows access to the back. Men traditionally remove their shirts if this is uncomfortable a loose tank top that can be tied in the back is recommended. For women a backless tank top or sports bra. We honor and respect the need for women and men to feel safe during their treatment. My wife and I work together to ensure that everyone feels safe during the ceremonial process. If you have any questions regarding proper attire please contact us.
- A change of clothes;
- Do not eat food for 12 hours beforehand. We recommend not consuming water for 12 hours prior, however you may sip water (12 ounces or less) and have an herbal tea with a teaspoon of honey 2 hours before your treatment. We have found that scheduling a morning session can make it easier to follow the food and water restriction guidelines. The general rule is to stop consuming food and water around midnight the night before your treatment and refrain from consuming food or water prior to your arrival in the morning, if possible.
- When you arrive for your appointment you will drink to 2 liters of water 10-15 minutes before the Kambo is applied. We will provide the water. All water consumed has been charged with healing prayers specific to the individual. Please wait until we tell you before you begin drinking.
- Do not consume alcohol, drugs or other substances for 24-48 hours before or after the Kambo treatment;
- Avoid food that is strong on the liver for 24-48 hours prior to and after Kambo, e.g. saturated fats found in butter, sour cream, and other high-fat dairy foods, fatty cuts of meat, fried foods, sugary treats like cookies, cake, soft drink, and packaged baked goods.
Application & What to Expect:
Kambo is applied through “gates”; meaning that the top layer of the skin or epidermis will be burned first with a natural incense stick so that a blister will form. I will then pop the small blister to open a pathway or “gate” for the Kambo to enter the body. Once the Kambo has been applied, it is distributed throughout the body via the lymphatic system. For a short while you will experience an elevated body temperature along with increased heart rate, fast dilation of the blood vessels causing a pounding or rushing sensation, slight swelling of the lips, face and tightness in the throat, skin tingling, some dizziness. You will then begin the purge which removes toxins that have been store in the body; Kambo also works on a physical and emotional level, so during this process, you may receive insights and messages that are energetic or spiritual in nature.
Please know that this work can be exhausting; a rest is needed after your process. We will be offering herbal teas and light refreshments that typically consist of fruits, vegetables, hummus and crackers to energize your body after your treatment. Some feel the Kambo’s benefits immediately and others within 24-48hrs. Most importantly, always trust your process!
Sananga (eye tincture) and Rapé (sacred snuff) will be offered prior to and/or after the Ceremony.
We look forward to assisting you along your path.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Other considerations:
- People with asthma need to bring their inhaler with them;
- Diabetics need to bring insulin, testing strips and extra food;
- Menstruation flow may increase for 24 – 36 hours following a Kambo treatment
Aloha & Blessings,
Your Kambo Dawn Family.